Highlight Above Table in HTML

In the HTML, you may see a small green or other colored cell at the top left of a table. This effect may be caused by using Show Me or other highlighting color in Word, which is then showing up in that cell in the HTML.

Clearing the Highlight from the Table

To clear the highlighting:

  1. In Word, zoom in on the top left of the table.
  2. Place your cursor in the top-left normal-sized cell, then press the up arrow on the keyboard twice. (If this moves your cursor outside of the table, try again and press the up arrow only once.)

  3. To select the cell, on the Table Tools: Layout ribbon, click Select, then Select Cell.

  4. On the Home ribbon, click the Text Highlight Color drop down, then No Color.

  5. Preview the HTML and confirm that the color is no longer present.
  6. If these steps do not resolve the issue, see Highlight Above Table in HTML.