Print from HTML

Unlike printing from Microsoft Word or DM Word, printing from HTML sometimes creates extra, blank pages. Follow these steps to get the best hard copy or PDF output from your HTML file in Internet Explorer.

Use Print Preview

  1. Open the EDGARElectronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR), is a SEC system used by public companies to transmit filings of annual and quarterly reports and other disclosures. HTML preview in Internet Explorer
    • If the File menu is not already visible, press Alt on your keyboard
  2. Select File, then Print Preview

Adjust Margins, Headers and Footers

The margins from the Word document are automatically applied in the corresponding HTML document. However, printing the HTML document adds another set of margins, which decreases the space for text on each page. To minimize this effect, set the margins as small as possible in Print Preview.

  1. In the Print Preview window, click the page setup cog Cog Icon
  2. Set all margins to the minimum (0.125 inches) or the margins required for printing. For example, you might want to set the top margin larger than the minimum to make room for header text
    • To show table banding, verify that Print Background Colors and Images is selected
  3. Adjust the headers and footers, or set them to empty
    • To adjust the size of the header and footer text, click Change Font > OK

Adjust Print Size

By default, the Print Size is set to shrink to fit. You can manually adjust the zoom:

  1. Click the change print size drop down menu and select 90 percent
  2. At the bottom of the Print Preview window, check the total number of pages shown. If this number does not match the total number of pages in your Word document, decrease print size further
  3. At the top left of the Print Preview page, click print Print Icon
  4. In the Print window, adjust settings as needed (for example, select PDF writing software), then click Print