Remove Extra Styles in Excel

In your Excel file, you may want to review, and possibly eliminate, extra styles. Excel automatically creates styles behind the scenes. Too many styles may lead to an increased file size, or an error message:

Too many different cell formats. Excel encountered an error and had to remove some formatting to avoid corrupting the workbook.

Identifying Extra Styles

First, expand your Excel window as wide as possible. On small screens, you may need to manually expand the width of the window, rather than maximizing the window. This gives room for the Styles section to expand. In the Styles section, look for a large number of styles or many duplicates of similar styles.

Using XLStylesTool

To remove the extra styles:

  1. Use this link to open XLStylesTool in the Microsoft store.
  2. Click Get and install it on your computer, reaching out to your IT team if assistance is needed.
  3. Run the program from your Start menu.
  4. Click Get File.
  5. Select the file that you want to process, then click Scan Selected File. Please first test this process using a copy of your Excel file, rather than the live version.
  6. The Scan Status window shows the number of styles currently in the file.

  7. Adjust the settings:
  • In Hidden Named Ranges: unselect Unhide All
  • In Named Ranges with External References, unselect Remove All
  • In Used Styles, select Force all Styles to 'Normal'
  1. Click Process File.
  2. Notice on the Scan Status screen the number of styles is reduced to one.
  3. Close the XLStylesTool and re-open your Excel file. The styles section now displays only the default styles. You may optionally like to adjust the normal style, so that all sheets will have the desired font, size, and cell format.