Tag Narrative Values

Detailed tagging information is intended for use only by existing self-service clients.

In Certent DM, tags can be applied to values that are in a table or paragraph.

  1. Right click to check out the report or report section for which you want to tagA tag renders a value in XBRL, made up of an element, a calendar, numeric units and a member, if needed. a narrative
  2. Click the Tagging tab in the Certent DM Designer Panel
  3. Click the top level group for which you want to tag
  4. Select expand all
  5. Click anywhere within the narrative and select the text that includes the value you want to tag and:
    • Right click View Tagging Paragraph
    • Or, click the tagging icon in the Certent DM ribbon, then select Tagging Paragraph
  6. Drag the elementThe representation of a financial reporting concept, including: line items in the face of the financial statements, important narrative disclosures, and rows and columns in tables. onto a row to tag it
    • After the tag has been dragged onto the grid, and the line tagged, a star icon appears to the left of the element. The starIn-Use Star Icon indicates that the element is in use
  7. Navigate to the Calendar bar on the Designer Panel
    • Expand calendar folders, as needed
  8. Add calendar tag(s) by clicking the Calendar tab and dragging it to the row
  9. Tag Numeric UnitsNumeric units such as scale and precision define the size and decimal postition (rounding) of an XBRL tag.
    1. Select the Numeric Units bar in the Designer Panel
    2. Select the applicable numeric units and drag and drop them to the row

Multiple tags can be applied with one drag and drop. Using the Ctrl key, highlight multiple values in the window, if needed.