Preserving XBRL Tags

Preserving narrative XBRLExtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) is an XML-based standard for defining and exchanging business and financial performance information. tags when updating your document text is important, and especially critical for inline XBRL filers. Shifting the placement of the bookmarks for a tagA tag renders a value in XBRL, made up of an element, a calendar, numeric units and a member, if needed. may result in inaccurate XBRL output and/ or EDGARElectronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR), is a SEC system used by public companies to transmit filings of annual and quarterly reports and other disclosures. errors (e.g., Hidden Fact Eligible For Transform EDGAR Warning).

Identify XBRL Tags Using Show Me

To identify where your XBRL tags are placed, used Show Me. While editing the text, use Show Me > Tagged Content > Level 4 to see where detail tagging is applied in your document text and tables. Avoid deleting or overwriting XBRL tags, unless the fact itself will no longer be used (for example, if the whole note or section is removed).

Show Me, Tagged Content, L4 (Details)

Edit Values in a Narrative

To edit tagged values in a narrative without dropping the tag, do any of the following:

  • Place your cursor right up against the last number of the value, backspace and type in the new content
    Cursor at final number in value
  • Place your cursor anywhere within the value and type in the new content
    Cursor within value
  • Highlight the value, not including any spaces before or after it, and enter the new value
    Highlight value

Add New Content Next to a Value With a Tag

Place your cursor at least one space away from the tagged value and type the new content.
Curson is one space away from value

  • Placing your cursor right next to the tagged value includes the new content in the tagged value, which makes the tagged value invalid in the XBRL reports

Moving Content in Word

To move a report section, check out the document. In the Sections tab, drag and drop the section to the desired location in the Sections tree.

To move a paragraph or table to another location within a report, highlight the desired content and either cut and paste the content or use drag and drop.

  • If track changes is on, cutting and pasting removes the XBRL tags. Cutting and pasting with track changes off maintains the XBRL tags
  • Using copy and paste, regardless of track changes status, deletes the XBRL tags

Insert or Delete a Row

To insert or delete a row or column to a linked table, open the Excel workbook, select the row or column, right-click and select Delete or Insert.
Row is highlighted

Move a Row or Column

To move a row or column to another location in the table, select the row or column you want to move, right-click and select Cut. Select the row where you want to insert the row, either use Ctrl+V to paste in the row or right-click and select Insert Cut Cells.

Highlighted column

Once you save the Microsoft Excel file, close it and go to the Word report.