Show Me

The Show Me function highlights XBRLExtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) is an XML-based standard for defining and exchanging business and financial performance information. tags, CrossLinks, or comments.

Select Where to Apply

By default, Show Me applies to the report section where your cursor is placed.

To apply Show Me to a different report section or the entire report, on the Designer Panel in the Report Sections tab, click the report title or one report section.

Turn on Show Me

  1. On the Certent DM ribbon, select Show Me, and then select one of the options:
    • Tagged Content — Highlights XBRL tags for the level selected. Level 4 (Details) is used to see the numeric values tagged in the tables and narrative

      L4 Details
    • Linked Content — Highlights CrossLinks in tables, the narrative, or both. Avoid updating your links while show me is applied
    • Comments — Highlights values with comments by user or date settings
  1. Green highlighting appears on the selected items

  1. The Designer Panel changes to the Report Review tab. Use Filter, or click a value in the Explorer window to jump to it

  1. In the Report Sections tab, a green highlighter icon appears next to the section with Show Me

    Green highlighter

Refresh Show Me

Show me does not automatically update. To refresh the highlighting, on the DM ribbon, click Show Me, then Refresh


Clear Show Me

To clear the highlighting, on the DM ribbon, click Show Me, then Clear.