Hyperlink Previously Filed Exhibits

To create a hyperlink to an exhibit previously filed with the SEC on EDGARElectronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR), is a SEC system used by public companies to transmit filings of annual and quarterly reports and other disclosures., and incorporated by reference in your exhibit index:

  1. On sec.gov, locate the specific exhibit HTML file and copy the web address out of your internet browser. Remember to verify the filing and exhibit details against what is shown in the index.
  2. In the DM Word report, highlight the text in the exhibit index to be hyperlinked. Avoid selecting the entire cell.
  3. Right click, then select Hyperlink. (Alternatively, on the Insert ribbon, click Hyperlink.)

  4. In the Insert Hyperlink window, in the Link to: panel, leave External File or Web Page selected.

  5. In the Address section, paste the address copied from sec.gov. If the address begins with https://, remove the s, to make it begin with http:// instead. Click OK.
  6. Preview HTML and click on the link to confirm it leads to the correct page on sec.gov.
  7. Repeat these steps for each previously filed or incorporated by reference exhibit.
  8. Rolling forward: Hyperlinks to previously filed exhibits only need to be changed when the content of your exhibit index changes, such as adding or removing an exhibit.