Filing PowerPoint Presentations

Microsoft PowerPoint presentations cannot be filed directly with EDGARElectronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR), is a SEC system used by public companies to transmit filings of annual and quarterly reports and other disclosures.; .pdf and .pptx are not accepted file types for content. In order to prepare a PowerPoint presentation (such as an investor presentation) for filing, follow the guidelines below.

Formatting Services

Our formatting services team frequently completes conversions from PowerPoint presentations into DM Word reports ready for filing in the Filing Wizard. For an estimate of time or a quote on blocks of formatting hours, email

Creating a DM Word Report

To file the presentation as an exhibit to your filing (typically to a Form 8-K), set it up as a DM Word report. The report should contain an image of each slide (one per page), followed by its contents set up as white Searchable Text. The exhibit number (e.g., Exhibit 99.2) is also typically added at the top right of the report in bold.

Extracting Images from PowerPoint

To extract an image of each slide, you may chose to use File > Save As, and set the file type to PNG Portable Network Graphics Format (*.png). Please note that EDGAR only accepts .jpg and .gif images. DM Word automatically converts .PNG to .jpg, and so the output in HTML should be previewed and reviewed for acceptable image quality, size, and alignment. For additional tips on working with images, see Images.

Setting Up Slide Text as Searchable Text

As described on the Searchable Text page, the content of each slide image must be included as searchable text below it. There are many ways to potentially create this text, such as exporting text from PowerPoint or PDF, copy/paste, or typing.

Please note that both PowerPoint and PDF exports are known to omit portions of the text (such as text boxes, or text in images or charts), include text which is not visible on the slides (such as image names and paths), and present text out of order. With any method used, the text must be reviewed in detail for accuracy and corrected prior to filing.

Preparing the DM Word Report

Use the images and text in the DM Word report, and be sure to preview the HTML and verify the output prior to filing.


Rev: 7/30/19