Expanded Font Spacing

Text that appears spread out with extra spaces between letters or words in HTML can be caused by the Expanded font spacing setting. The effect may change with the width of the browser window.

Set Font Spacing to Normal

To remove the expanded font setting:

  1. Press Ctrl+A to select all the document text.
  2. Right click, then select Font….
  3. In the Font window, on the Advanced tab, set the Spacing setting to Normal. If needed, you can also change the other settings to match the default shown below. Click OK.

  1. Preview the HTML to confirm the text displays correctly (see Preview HTML).

Additional Troubleshooting

Turn on Show Formatting Marks and check for:

  • Extra spaces between letters or words
  • Extra hard returns or carriage returns within the paragraph
  • Tab characters
  • Many non-breaking spaces that are not required

Change from Justify to Left Align

This expanded font effect typically only shows when Justify is applied; the effect is diminished by using Left Align instead.