Move Start Banding Row

If the blue banding does not begin on the desired row, you may like to adjust it to start on a higher or lower row in the table.

Starting Banding on a Different Row


  • The banding starts in the headings:

  • The banding begins after the first numerical value (which may occur if new rows have been added at the top of the table):

Adjusting Start Banding

To change which row is the first blue row, follow these steps to move the Start Banding marker and reapply banding:

  1. Click in the table.
  2. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, click Table Banding, then Clear Banding On Current Table.
  3. Right click on the table, and select View Tagging Table.
  4. In the Certent DM Tagging Table window, right click on the row number of the row you would like to be the first blue row, then select Start Banding. Since there is only one Start Banding row, this moves it from the old position to the new one you select.
  5. Click OK to close the window.
  6. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, click Table Banding, then Band Current Table.