Table Banding

To band tables with blue and white row shading, set a start banding marker for the table, then apply the banding. Table banding may be used both on table CrossLinks and native Word tables.

For issues with banding, see Table Banding Troubleshooting.

Setting up and Applying Banding


Initial Set-up: Start Banding

Before you can band a table for the first time, you'll need to set up Start Banding on the first row that you would like blue. The subsequent rows will alternate blue and white except where Skip or Maintain is applied.

  1. With the report or section checked out, right click in the table, then select View Tagging Table.

  1. Identify which row should be the first with blue banding. The first blue row is commonly either the first with a numeric value, or the first with a label below the headings in the left column.
  1. In the Certent DM Tagging Table window, right click the row number of the first blue row, then select Start Banding.

  1. Click OK to close the window.

Apply Banding Using Band Current Table

For the blue and white shading to show up on the table, such as after updating links, apply the banding to the table:

  1. Click inside the table to be banded.
  2. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, click Table Banding, then Band Current Table.

Other Table Formatting

After creating a new table CrossLink, you may like to also:

Banding Adjustments

  • To set up multiple blue or white rows together, see Maintain Banding.
  • To force a row or cell to show as white (no banding color), use Skip Banding.

Band All Tables

Band All Tables allows you to apply banding to all the report tables in one step. Depending on the size of the report, it may take a few minutes. In order to use this function, every table must have a Start Banding markers set up, and all tables must be within report sections.

Next: Skip Banding