Skip Banding

Table banding alternates blue and white rows; use Skip banding where you prefer to force rows or cells to be white, no matter their position. The row after the skipped row(s) re-starts the color pattern with a blue row.

Using Skip Banding


You may like to use Skip Banding where:

  • Blank rows are included at the bottom of the table

  • Heading rows are included in the banded part of the table

  • Blank columns are used for spacing

Applying Skip Banding

  1. Right click in the table, then select View Tagging Table.
  2. In the Certent DM Tagging Table window, right click the row number of the row to be skipped, then click Skip Banding. You may also select multiple row numbers at the same time, or a group of cells.
  3. Click OK to close the window.
  4. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, click Table Banding, then Band Current Table to reapply the updated banding.

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