Maintain Banding

Table banding is set up to alternate between blue and white rows. To create multiple blue rows together, use Maintain Banding. This setting sets a row to be the same color as the row above it.

Using Maintain Banding


You may prefer to use Maintain Banding where a label spans multiple rows but should appear visually to be a single row.

Maintain Banding also creates visual groupings, such as in proxy statement tables.

Applying Maintain Banding

  1. Right click in the table, then select View Tagging Table.
  2. In the Certent DM Tagging Table window, right click the row number of the selected row, then click Maintain Banding.
  3. Click OK to close the window.
  4. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, click Table Banding, then Band Current Table to reapply the updated banding.

Prev: Skip Banding

Search terms: Band two rows, two blue rows