AutoFit Window

The Microsoft Word function AutoFit Window sets tables to stretch to match the width of the window, both in Certent DM Word and in HTML.

When to use AutoFit Window

Table CrossLinks already have this feature applied by default. You may need to apply the AutoFit Window setting to:

  1. Tables that are created and maintained directly in your Certent DM Word report, such as: cover page, table of contents, exhibit index, and signatures (See Word Tables).
  2. Table CrossLinks, only if you have adjusted the column widths in the report. Adjusting column widths in Word changes tables to the Fixed Column Width setting. (See Create New Table CrossLinks).

Set AutoFit Window

  1. Click in the table, which causes the two Table Tools ribbons to appear at the top of the screen.
  2. On the Table Tools: Layout ribbon, click AutoFit, then AutoFit Window.

  1. Preview the HTML and verify how the table looks.