Set the Normal Style in Word

Set the Normal style in your Word document to your most commonly used settings, to keep formatting consistent throughout your report. The Normal style can also save time by not having to apply as much formatting directly to the text.

Where the Normal Style is Used

Your Normal style settings will be used:

  • when you paste content using Keep Text Only
  • when you use Clear All Formatting
  • on any paragraphs that were already using the underlying Normal style settings
  • tables, including table CrossLinks

Changing the Normal Style

To review and adjust the normal style in a Word document or DM Word report:

  1. On the Home ribbon, in the style section, look for Normal.
  2. Right click on Normal, then select Modify....

  3. Review the settings.

  4. Make adjustments as needed in the Modify Style window, or by clicking on FormatFont or Format Paragraph for more details.

Font Settings

  • Font Type: Use a standard font type, so that your filing will appear the same way to readers who do not have your custom fonts on their machine. Times New Roman and Arial are the most commonly used fonts, but you may also choose to use less common fonts such as Garamond, Calibri, or Franklin Gothic Book.
  • Font Size: Typically used font sizes are 12, 11, 10, 9, 8; 10pt is the most common.

Paragraph Settings: Indents and Spacing

  • Alignment: Use Left alignment. Avoid using Justify alignment in the Normal style, since it may justify table content, as well. Instead, apply alignment directly to the paragraphs of text.
  • Indentation: Avoid using any Left, Right, or Special Indentation in the Normal style, since it may indent table content, as well. Instead, apply indentation directly to the paragraphs of text.
  • Spacing Before and Spacing After: Use 0 pt in the Normal style, since the spacing is applied to table content, as well. The recommended method is to use hard returns (press Enter) to create space between paragraphs. If you choose to use Spacing Before or After, apply it directly to the paragraphs of text.
  • Line Spacing: Single spacing is recommended.

Paragraph Settings: Line and Page Breaks

  • Widow/Orphan control should be on (checked), so that paragraphs do not break in a way that leaves a single line of text at the bottom or top of a page.
  • Keep with next should be off in the Normal style, and then applied on the appropriate paragraphs and tables directly. See Keep With Next.
  • Keep lines together is typically off (unchecked) in the Normal style. You may like to use it in the Normal style if you want no paragraphs to ever break across pages, by default (not common).