Combine Reports

Combine Reports allows you to combine multiple Certent DM Word reports within a project into a single Microsoft Word document (.docx), which makes reviewing easier outside the Certent DM platform.

To combine reports from a project into one exported Microsoft Word document:

  1. On the project cogCog icon, select Combine Reports. The project must contain at least two reports for this option to be available.

  2. Click the plus "+" next to the report names to include them.

  3. To adjust the order of the reports in the combined document, use the up and down arrows.

  4. Click Combine.
  5. In the prompt at the bottom of your browser, click the arrow, then select Save As.
  6. Enter the file name and navigate to where you want the file to be saved. Click Save.
  7. Click Open to view the file or Open Folder to see its location. CrossLinks and XBRLExtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) is an XML-based standard for defining and exchanging business and financial performance information. Tags are removed in the file; content controls for report sections are still present. Depending on the set-up of the reports, headers and footers in subsequent documents may appear slightly differently than in each report by itself.

Reports in Different Projects

Combine Reports is only available for reports within a single project. If the reports are related, consider using Move Report to bring them into a single project.

Word Version of a Single Report

To save a local Word version (.docx) of a single report, open the report in DM Word, then click Save As on the file menu. See Save as a Microsoft Word Document or a PDF

User Access

The Combine Reports function is available to the Reporting Manager and users with full access to the project.