Generate Filing Documents
The Filing Wizard generates HTML and XBRLExtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) is an XML-based standard for defining and exchanging business and financial performance information. files after the Add Files step. The status is shown on the progress bar. These files are created in a folder on your desktop called "CertentDMFilingWizard", in a subfolder titled with the selected prefix and time stamp (ticker- YYYYMMDDHHMMSS). Do not modify these files.
- In the Filing Wizard window, click the hyperlinked name of each .htm file to review the HTML output
- Verify that the files include .htm files for every report and exhibit, image files for all appropriate images, and the correct set of XBRL files
- Click Next to begin test filing
Verify Filing Package
The Filing Wizard creates a package of files that are required to submit a filing package with the SEC, including five to seven XBRL files, the EDGARized source document, exhibits, and image files.
The naming convention is “ticker symbol-YYYYMMDDxFileType.file extension”. As an example, below are the files created for a 10-Q with one exhibit and an image, using the ticker symbol "cert."
Source Document:
- cert-20160930x10q.htm: HTML for the 10-Q, created from the DM Word report
Supporting Documents:
- cert-2016930xex31.htm: HTML for Exhibit 31; other exhibits follow a similar file format
- cert-20160930gg001.jpg: The file for each image used in the DM Word reports is shown as a separate .jpg or .gif file
XBRL Documents:
- cert-20160930.xml: The Instance DocumentAn XML file that conforms to one or more XBRL taxonomies and contains the data in a business report. contains all the data in the filing (the numbers, notes, etc)
- cert-20160930.xsd: The Extension Schema contains the elements used in the filing, referencing the base taxonomyDictionary-like XBRL classifications that describe the context of data in financial statements and business documents. and containing all extended elements that are part of the filing package
- cert-20160930_cal.xml: The Calculation Linkbase contains the calculation order of the elements used in the XBRL filing
- cert-20160930_def.xml: The Definition Linkbase contains dimension members and their structure, if any dimension members have been used
- cert-20160930_lab.xml: The Label Linkbase contains the labels and definitions of any extended elements
- cert-20160930_pre.xml: The Presentation Linkbase contains the presentation order of the elements
- cert-2016090_ref.xml (not common): The Reference Linkbase is used only when an extended elementThe representation of a financial reporting concept, including: line items in the face of the financial statements, important narrative disclosures, and rows and columns in tables. is created that includes a reference to authoritative literature
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Next: Test and Live Filing
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