
Designating a report or section as read-only makes it unavailable for editing. Only your Company Administrator can mark a report as read-only. Read-Only reports may still be archived and then deleted.

Set a Report as Read-Only

  1. Open the DM Word report. The status must be available (not checked out).
  1. In the DM Designer panel, on the Report Sections tab, right click the report or section title, then select Make Read-Only.

  2. Red stop symbols will show by the report or section title.

Symbols in the DMC

Report Sections

Remove Read-Only

To remove the read-only designation:

  1. Open the report.
  2. In the DM Designer panel, on the Report Sections tab, right click the report or section title, then select Remove Read-Only.

    Read Only

Copying a Read-Only Report

Copying a read-only report leaves the original report as read-only. The new report has a status of available.

Further Assistance

Contact Us for assistance if you need to set a report as read-only, but are not the Company Administrator.