Report Setup

Implementation typically includes report setup for your first 10Q and 10K, from your Microsoft Word and Excel source documents.

Report Setup

In addition to loading the new report and formatting it for best HTML output, full report setup also includes sectioning, formatting in Excel, and linking tables into the report.

Report setup is recommended for reports that include XBRLExtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) is an XML-based standard for defining and exchanging business and financial performance information., will be rolled forward, or will include tables linked to Excel.

Formatting Services Available

To save time for your team, Certent's Formatting Services team can assist with document setup or formatting for HTML, as appropriate for your document.

Set Up a Report in Certent DM Word

  1. Create a New Report.
  2. Format Text in Word using best practices.
  3. Create Report Sections.

Set Up CrossLinks

  1. Set up your Excel linking document tables using best practices (see Format in Excel).
  2. Set up a named range for each table (see Create Named Range).
  3. Apply the linked tables into your report (see Create New Table CrossLinks).
  4. Optionally, set up links for dates or narrative values (see Narrative Linking Best Practices).
  5. Update CrossLinks to refresh the data from Excel into the DM Word report.
  6. Use Show Me to highlight linked tables and values (see also Preserving XBRL Tags).

Review HTML

Run the HTML preview, then perform a preliminary, detailed HTML review, adjusting formatting as needed for the desired output. Review the HTML again as you update and finalize your content. See Preview HTML and Review HTML.

XBRL (Premium and Platinum Service)

For forms requiring XBRL, coordinate with your XBRL Accountant for initial XBRL setup and tagging, as well as tagging updates throughout the quarter (see XBRL Services). Your responsibility is to review and approve the XBRL (see Review XBRL).