New Report

To set up a Microsoft Word document as a new DM Word report, start by creating a new report.

Create a New Report

To create a new report:

  1. Choose the project where you would like the new report. If needed, create a New Project.
  2. Click the project cog , then New Report.

  3. In the Name field, enter the name for your report. See Naming Conventions for Projects, Reports, and Groups for more information.

  4. Leave the Type field as Word Report. Excel Reports are not common.
  5. Click Select to browse to your file, then click Open.
    • Word documents must be *.docx, rather than .doc.
    • If you want to start with a blank report, do not select a file.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. Click on the name of the report to open it.

Format and Review Early

  1. Scrub the Report to remove unsupported or old information that could affect XBRLExtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) is an XML-based standard for defining and exchanging business and financial performance information. and filing.
  2. Perform a detailed HTML Review (see Review HTML) and adjust the formatting as needed.
  3. Create New Table CrossLinks for your document tables where appropriate
  4. Test file early and check for EDGAR errors or warnings (see Test and Live Filing).

Report Setup

Follow Certent's full Report Setup process if your report uses CrossLinks to Excel or XBRL.

User Access

New report is available to users with default report access of “All,” or users with full or partial access to at least one report in the project.

Importing, Creating, Create a new report, Uploading a Word document, loading a new folio, bringing in a Word document, loading an exhibit, loading a file