Naming Conventions for Projects, Reports, and Groups

For the best organization of files on the Disclosure Management Console (DMC), follow the naming convention already in place for your company. Recommended naming convention for projects is to start with the year, then period, followed by the form type or other description-- for example, 2019 Q1 8-K. This allows projects to display in chronological order when they are listed alphabetically.

Using a prohibited naming convention results in an error message; follow the resolution below.

Global Name Restrictions

Error Message Resolution
Name may not exceed 75 characters in length. Shorten the file name.
Name may not start with spaces nor periods. Rename the file so it does not begin with a space or period.
Name may not contain consecutive spaces. Delete the repeated space in the file name.
Name may not contain consecutive periods. Delete the repeated period in the file name.
Name may not contain \,", <, >, |, :, *, ?, \\, /, nor special space characters. Delete the character from the file name.
Name may not end with a file extension. Rename the file so it does not end with an extension in the name itself (e.g. .doc, .docx, etc)

Naming Restrictions for Reports and Files

Error Message Resolution
Name may not contain any of the following: #, %, &, {, }, 〈, 〉, ~ Delete the character from the file name.

Cannot not start with ...

Rename the file so it does not begin with the restricted character.